On a day-to-day basis many of us are asked for cash, whether its a next door neighbor who lost his job or a stranger crossing the street. Nexter bridges that gap for those who dont carry cash and those who want to help. First, set up a profile and you will automatically be able to send funds. Nexter also encourages you to send a direct or automated message letting that person know you just wanted to send a smile their way! Once you set up a profile you will also get notifications for organizations in need of help within your proximity. Bringing accessibility to those who want to be more involved in their community can only bring all of us together! Last but not least, Nexter wants you to share your stories on our public post! Letting everyone know you just made someone’s day will only inspire people to be the change the world needs!
On a day-to-day basis many of us are asked for cash, whether its a next door neighbor who lost his job or a stranger crossing the street. Nexter bridges that gap for those who dont carry cash and those who want to help. First, set up a profile and you will automatically be able to send funds. Nexter also encourages you to send a direct or automated message letting that person know you just wanted to send a smile their way! Once you set up a profile you will also get notifications for organizations in need of help within your proximity. Brining accessibility to those who want to be more involved in their community can only bring all of us together! Last but not least, Nexter wants you to share your stories on our public post! Letting everyone know you just made someone’s day will only inspire people to be the change the world needs!
Nexter started as a small organization in California and was inspired by Christopher a college graduate with a bachelors in Political Science.